New application case for Biogas upgrading plants


Bacteria-related issues in Biogas upgrading plants

Biogas upgrading is the process that removes impurities (H2S, siloxanes, trace compounds, etc.) and CO2 from biogas, to obtain biomethane. Based on the significantly higher solubility of CO2 in water compared to methane, particularly at lower temperatures, water scrubbing may be used for CH4-CO2 separation of biogas. The CO2-rich water leaving the absorber is regenerated by flashing followed by recycling.

In this biogas upgrading plant, no biocide treatment was applied to the water flowing through absorber and desorber, and some problems were observed in the packed beds. The technical staff of the plant supposed that these problems were caused by microorganisms, so an ALVIM Biofilm Sensor was installed in the desorber.

Read the full application case about Biogas upgrading plants.

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